


Hello everyone. My name is _________. I am a student of _____ at the BSEB Patna and kyp learner. my father's name  is ____________.
Now, let me talk about my interests, I like computer works and playing cricket.
I grew up in a small village ______ that located in the northern part of Bihar. It placed in _______ post and police station __________. Before I conclude my self-introduction, let me tell you about my personality. I am a very friendly person, so I am very easy to talk to. I hope to make many friends at this KYP centre.
         Thank you.


Unknown said...

Very very Thanks sir

Unknown said...

Thanks sir

I am vk

Arjun singh said...

Mr. VK.
What is your full name.

Unknown said...

My name is vishal Kumar

Unknown said...

Aap kis batch se hai